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BUILDING end markets for circular economy

Envision a world where all waste materials are turned
into healthy, high-performing and high-value products.

We develop state-of-the-art manufacturing sites that create new green jobs, relieve local landfills and build strong domestic end markets for all types of recyclables and municipal waste streams.


how we HELP

Our global networks of industry experts and technology providers assist governments, industry organizations, large corporations and NGOs with developing solutions for challenging waste streams that lack viable end markets.

Through public-private-industry partnerships
we design and develop multifunctional upcycling hubs
where locally collected waste is processed into locally distributed materials and products.

To discuss opportunities for your waste streams…

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The UpFACTORY Model and Operating System was developed by Upcycling Group to target the chronic waste problems of local circular economies around the world - the lack of domestic end markets for municipal recyclables.

We work with an expanding group of waste sorting and processing innovators and equipment suppliers to develop a global network of Circular Economy showcase facilities that significantly increase local recycling rates, create new green manufacturing jobs, relieve local landfills and build strong domestic end markets for all recyclable waste streams.

“The key to successfully “close the loop” is to activate and include all participants in the product’s life cycle in its end-of-life solution. Producers, brands, retailers, consumers, infrastructure providers, end markets and governments all share the responsibility to do their part.”

CEO, Upcycling Group